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Anime & Rutabagas • 2 years ago

Didn't see that one coming lol

Kirito • 2 years ago

Hazel is the real villain here the guy living inside hazel body

Ashurane • 2 years ago

Why this gets nearly no comments is beyond my understanding D= oh well I still love it haha

GreenTea Gal • 2 years ago

older franchise with large gaps between seasons. also dude heavy cast in a season full of girly/harem/fanservice shows

Nika Takatori • 2 years ago

But Jojo and many others Golden Kamuy, Yuyuhakusho, DBZ, and even Tokyo Revengers have that but are still loved by men not just women.
& There's no harem in this....Hakkai had a lover so he's still inlove with her even though she's dead thats how he became a demon. Gojyo is a womanizer....are you kidding? Sanzo never interested Konzen never was either his past life he's solo type. And Goku's the pure child still learning and growing who gets romance interactions and flirts. Gojyo has had many women and wants more he's not the type to pick one and settle down.
Plus you forget the girls and their fan service to men. Lirin and Yaone as well as most women that are stacked. It's dudes dealing with dude problems traveling most the time. And Lirin and Yaone we're the main two popping up to bug and there's always been a flirt between Yaone and Hakkai but he's loyal to his dead so it's stalemate. Lirin likes to play with Sanzo and goku. While Gojyo has awkward talk with his brother dokugakuji ya know since his brother killed his stepmom (doku's mom) before she killed Gojyo.
Honestly not much more girly fanservice
Not any different from any other and definitely no harem you kidding? Except maybe how everyone wants to kill the Sanzo party
I do agree with gaps in-between because the first series is from the 90s also this is based off 'journey to the West' just like DBZ/db which is why it's the same son Goku a monkey boy that rages when he rages
So being so iconic plot and same character I don't see how it would not be popular.

GreenTea Gal • 2 years ago

mmm i think you misunderstood. 'course there's not harem in this. i meant the shows airing around this one.

Goosie🦆 • 2 years ago

I think people think this is yaoi and stayed away 😒

Ashurane • 2 years ago

meh, so dumb =(

Goosie🦆 • 2 years ago


Nika Takatori • 2 years ago

Super stupid cause Hakkai had a lover, Gojyo is a womanizer, we all saw Goku have some sort of romance this season and he often has flirts cause he's the pure one, and sanzos a damn priest not interested and past life was a god not interested in anything.
so it really doesn't make sense of course theres fanfiction and other fan stuff but Slam Dunk and Durrarara also have that, almost every anime/manga/series does.
This is actual wholesome in a certain degree with people who have fucked up pasts but strong friendship bonds and more fucked up shit down the road to deal with.
Pretty much reality life style to many.

FaithfulAizen • 2 years ago

Maybe they found fanfiction and got confused

Goosie🦆 • 2 years ago

😂 probably. I know some of my friends who watch anime casually getting folded by fanfic

Ger Vang • 2 years ago

Honestly the story for somebody that never watched the other seasons is pretty okay. The fights and animation can be a lot better.

Passerby • 2 years ago

Ukoku enjoying his decade-long work coming out in full display, just taking a sit back and revelling in it. This guy just lacks popcorn.

(And his VA does a marvelous job at showing how sane-ly insane he his, actually. - or is it insanely sane ?... - Anyway, Ukoku's a total wacko)

*Also : translation error
At the start, Hakkai isn't saying to Sanzo:
"What's wrong with being a rag?"
But actually :
"What's wrong with a rag becoming all torn up and dirty?"

He's not comforting Sanzo at all.
(like, implying that his sorry state isn't a problem.)
He's actually DISSING him, implying that he's no better than a rag while also recognising the full extent of his efforts.
Which makes the diss even saltier, because he's actually praising him for being a good rag.

(And in the following dialogue, Gojyo and Goku add their own layer to it, saying something along "since the rag did such a good job, we'll take over the remaining cleaning")

Adding acid to the burn,
Hakkai's sarcasm is on a whole other level, folks ! 🤣
#Haraguro Megane confirmed 👌🕶

Anon0o0 • 2 years ago

Thanks 👍 that's a major error IMHO
I've been hearing fr Japanese speaking acquaintances that most of the anime translations we're bad. Netflix anime translations are def not good. But at least they give credits to their translators (prob pay them better, too)

Passerby • 2 years ago

You're welcome :)
Though I understand a lot of Japanese now, I have no merit concerning this translation.

The Zeroin anime is following the manga without straying one bit from the source : even the dialogues are taken as they are. (Seriously, I'm wondering wether the seiyuus are just reading the book out loud in the recording room, at this point... 🤔😅)
As a long-term SAIYUKI fan who knows nearly every words of the books, the error was obvious to me.

There has been other errors here and there in other episodes of this anime, actually... But they weren't as major as this one, so I didn't bother correcting them.
Whereas Hakkai's sentence in this scene is different. It may seems like playful banter, but it's actually a very clever introduction to Sanzo and Co.'s next introspective dilemma, and the spark for some very interesting character growth.

Also, as a reader, that was one of the point I found the most questioning, it made me ponder a lot, and gave me so much valuable insights. Not everyone dig that part of the manga, and people may overlook it ; but it'd be a shame to have it disappear because of mistranslation.

Goosie🦆 • 2 years ago

Love your comments, gives better insights for us who didn't read the manga or LN.
Keep it going.💓

Passerby • 2 years ago

As for the state of Japanese translation...
Well, I agree with you and your friends.

Japanese is a complex language, its inner logic and structure differ vastly from English, and even other European languages ...
So producing an actually decent translation, being both acutely accurate and palatable for the reader/watcher/etc... is extremely difficult.

Problem is, the consumption of Japanese products skyrocketed in the last decades, translation demand went through the roof, and nobody can keep up.
It takes many years to properly master Japanese (for a simple secondary language use), and even more to be able to translate it properly, tastefully and accurately, as one has to be well-verse in all the little nuances of a language.
The fact that Japanese people are also hugely bad at speaking any other language doesn't help the translating community (both professionals and amateurs alike). The job is mainly hard-carried by non-Japanese people, who suffer from a lack of proper feedback from native speakers who could help them improve.

On top of that, the consumption market is pushing for the quickest translation to be the sole criteria to consider when choosing a translation work or a translator.
Obviously, it waters down the quality of the whole business. High-quality work isn't produced overnight.
Which means we get 'correct' translations, but they stay on the surface-level of the language, and never bother to get to 'proper' or 'accurate' translation level. 😕

So it's a shame, but honestly, if I had to translate everyday on a super tight 24-hours schedule, while being overworked and underpaid ; I wouldn't lose more of my health and dignity over trying to give the best translation I could come up with, to some boss who'd totally disregards its value anyway, either.

So even though the translation is lacking, I'm still grateful that someone's got enough love for the art and language to translate it, despite how 'shee-ty' the working conditions are.

Goosie🦆 • 2 years ago

Yeah, that's why kudos to the fansubs that peaked in the 90s! I mean, their works were really on point. Case in point: I have copies of the Detective Conan fansubbed videos and when I rewatch the early episodes subbed by Crunchyroll, they are so lacking.

Passerby • 2 years ago

Old fansubs really had a bunch of dedicated hard-working people who loved their jobs passionnately. 🙏
You'd wait a long time, but it was delightful to have quality subs in my language.
The crackdown on many fansubs platform in the 2000s really made a disservice to the translating community. It lost so many talents.
I totally stopped watching anime subbed in my language after that, because I couldn't stand their horrendous quality. Turned to English platforms instead. It's not the best, but it's a hundred time better than what I'd get in my mothertongue.

Whoever • 2 years ago

Sméagol vs Gollum

Saki • 2 years ago

This is one lonely comment section :3

Glinda • 2 years ago

No ... what the hell ?! What a mess and annoying 😕. Hope things work out somehow ...

Jerome W Bison • 2 years ago

4:19 Two by my count, Lol!!!
6:19 He straight clowning them, I give him that. Can't wait to see his face when he loses.
9:05 Say whaaaattt!?!! This late in the game and they pull out a twist like this, wow!!!
20:40 Irony AF on that one.

NGL, thought this was gonna be a flashback to drag out the final confrontation with Ukoku. But never imagined they would pull out this masterful twist in the Penultimate Episode!!!

And in hindsight, it works. Even Hazel couldn't explain how he does what he does as far as the resurrections. Now it makes perfect sense on some of his blocked memories on how his mentor died that night.

But one thing is for sure, Ukoku Sanzo comes off as like 'Aizen' from Bleach. Like an onion, the layers were slowly pulled back to see the extent of his plan, and how OP AF he was as well.

Great solid episode into the Season Finale!!!

Kirito • 2 years ago

This anime feels like it should have been in the Early 2000's it's kinda use all the elements here

tsubasacrazy • 2 years ago

Saiyuki is an anime from the early 2000's. This is not season 1 more like 5. The anime is just been on-going, its like all the other anime that came out back in the day.

Kirito • 2 years ago

Hazel has a wing but can't fly cool

bari • 2 years ago


GreenTea Gal • 2 years ago

here comes a new challenger!

Helia • 2 years ago

C'mon, Hazel...You're stronger than that...

komo cakeps • 2 years ago

such a slow story. yawn.

Düölingöhhh Snorlax • 2 years ago

Please pull a Platinum End and just let everyone die already.

Esenpai • 2 years ago

I like that this will eternally be a meme now lol